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Martha Bloom’s Upcoming Exhibitions

Martha Bloom will be exhibiting mixed media works in two upcoming exhibitions. For the Silvermine School of Art’s[1] Annual Faculty Exhibition, which opens April 27 and continues through May 13, 2016, she will exhibit Momenio Mori. For the National Academy’s[2] exhibition Creative Mischief, which runs from May 19 through May 29, 2016, she will exhibit Masquerading Remembrance.

Martha Bloom, Momenio Mori, 2016. [1]
Martha Bloom, Momenio Mori, 2016.
Martha Bloom, Masquerading Remembrance, 2016. [2]
Martha Bloom, Masquerading Remembrance, 2016.
  1. Silvermine School of Art’s: https://www.silvermineart.org/
  2. National Academy’s: http://www.nationalacademy.org/