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Ronnie Landfield in Conversation with James Lancel McElhinney

Former instructor James Lancel McElhinney interviewed Ronnie Landfield for his netcast series of artist interviews. Their conversation, “Ronnie Landfield: American Color Field Master[1],can be steamed on McElhinney’s website. Landfield’s solo exhibition, Ronnie Landfield: American Color Field Master, on view at Findlay Galleries[2] through June 3, received mention by art critic Daniel Cohen for the site artcritical[3] Ronnie Landfield. Cohen writes, “[Landfield] seduces the eye with sensual landscape possibilities while managing to insist, with delectable obstinacy, on the optical purism of his painterly agenda with pristine bars to offset his effulgent stains.”

Ronnie Landfield in Conversation[4]
Ronnie Landfield, Threshold of Eternity, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 90 x 76 in.
  1. Ronnie Landfield: American Color Field Master: http://www.mcelhinneyart.com/ronnie-landfield-american-color-field-master/
  2. Findlay Galleries: http://www.davidfindlayjr.com
  3. artcritical: http://www.artcritical.com
  4. [Image]: https://asllinea.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Threshold-of-Eternity-2011-90x76_1.jpeg